Out-of-State Recruitment

Does your agency take part in out-of-state recruitment events?  If so, what are the reasons for hiring outside of your region?  Is it a lack of qualified applicants expressing interest, efforts to increase female and visible minority recruitment, or other issues?  How do you determine which locations you visit?  Do you base it on guesswork or previous experiences?

Regardless of the reasons you travel elsewhere, wouldn’t it be nice if you knew where your efforts could be more successful, before spending a lot of money on airfare, hotels, convention room rentals, etc.?  Is that even possible?

One of LEAD’s™ advanced and unique features is the Statistical Tracking of Applicant Trends (STAT™) tool.  STAT™ can assist your department in determining where you’ll be most likely to succeed when recruiting in unfamiliar areas.  STAT™ allows recruiters to perform customizable searches on applicant trends throughout the country, providing valuable information that no other program offers.

In reality, the money spent on out-of-state recruitment exceeds the annual cost of the LEAD™ program for most agencies.  Why not have access to STAT™ and all the other tools offered in LEAD™?